Wednesday 4 April 2018

3 years since seeing a dentist

The fact is that I am not a young buck anymore.  I am getting in my middle aged years and I still don't go to the dentist on a regular basis.  In fact, it has been about 3 years.  I am realizing how my actions years before actually end up affecting my life now.  Injuries I ended up with in high school are affecting how I live and am able to be with my family.  This is why I am starting to rethink a lot of how I approach my health.  I have put off many things in my life and I am realizing that it is not too late to start working really hard and overcoming things I have let slide for years.  One of those areas is my dental health and visiting my dentist.  Since I usually keep a pretty good routine I usually feel like I don't need to see a dentist but when I have an emergency. It is pretty obvious that I am not doing the right thing and I am going to start working on that this year.

All the mask-wearing and regulations really got me into thinking about this.  The fact that we are all wearing face masks made me think about my breath and it has also drawn attention to my face due to working at home.  It sounds crazy but thanks to all the Zoom calls my teeth are starting to get noticed more and I am starting to think about them even more.  Now all people see is your face and on Zoom your teeth are a big part of some people's screens. Being healthy and having a whiter, brighter smile is starting to get noticed and I like it.

So to me, it was more than key to get back on a dental schedule for not just brushing my teeth and flossing, but seeing an actual dentist.  I have decided that it will most likely not only be less expensive but also less painful in the long run.  I see people with big surgeries and dental procedures that are just as costly and painful as a major surgery.  I am starting to believe that adding dental insurance to my plan and going twice a year for a few extra hundred dollars is simply worth it.  To be honest, now I have scheduled a time with my dentist for the first time in a long time.

With people eating more and more due to the pandemic the dentists are busy because after all the sweets and treats the dentist will see my mouth at its worst and give me a solid plan for the next six months.  That is why I am planning on getting my mouth back on track professionally.  If there is something that can be prevented I want to make sure I am ahead of it.  Getting a custom preventative plan for your mouth is probably the smartest way to prevent issues and it goes much further than just normal brushing.  If you are leaning towards cavities it could be something in your diet that they can suggest swapping out as well.  There is a lot more than just brushing when it comes to dental care. Just go ahead and find a local dentist and give him or her a call. It is time to take care of yourself.

3 years since seeing a dentist

The fact is that I am not a young buck anymore.  I am getting in my middle aged years and I still don't go to the dentist on a regular ...