Keep Your Mouth Safe and Bright

It is truly important to make sure that you are taking care of your body.  With all of the fear that the COVID-19 issues have created many people are not comfortable even go and see a dentist. That hurts my heart because taking care of your mouth is incredibly important to your overall health.  One of the major ways it changed the United States was the mandate of masks in the majority of the country.  No matter how you feel about masks what it did was give us a telltale sign of Tooth Decay.  Our breath and how we smell ourselves in our masks started to trigger a vast majority of our countries population that our dental health may not be as good as we thought.  Now with this and all the zoom calls, 2021 has been a huge boom for the dental market and has lead many of us to start to improve our dental routines in order to better ourselves. 

Make sure you are taking care of all the things like tooth decay this year.  The breaking down of our tooth enamel is something that is serious.  At a point in our lives, we can no longer grow enamel and that means that all we have is all that we have.  This is why we need to guard our mouths as much as possible. The bacteria that grow with food particles and the sugars that start to break down are teeth are a big part of how we end up with tooth decay and that bad breath smells.  Now if your breath is bad, I suggest that you see your dentist because it could be a sign of other major problems.  Your healthcare provider should give you specific advice on how to proceed with your health.  You may be in trouble but there are several things that you can do to help your current situation. 

Your diet is going to be very important.  Liquides are a huge part of our diet and depending on what you are ingesting.  This is an area that can really help break down those food particles or do the opposite and leave harmful sugar and acids that break down your teeth.  This is an area that is constantly a part of your dental health and can help or hurt you all day long.  So this may be one of the most important areas.  

Water should truly be on the first section of your list of good drinks. This is the first line of defense for getting bad things out of your mouth.  That is because hydration is what helps produce saliva.  So drinking water may not only help clean your mouth by moving those particles or acids off your teeth, but it helps create more saliva that does clean your mouth.  It is a two-way street of success and should be the beginning of your dental game plan.  I like to keep a water bottle with me at work.  It helps me to remember to drink more and since it is in a nice fancy bottle I don't mind it at the office.  There are so many ways to dress up your water cup or mug and I like stainless steel.  It fits in every environment and lets my colleagues know that health is important to me as well.  Be safe and healthy this year and look your best. 

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